Bienvenido a recursos para empleados de deportes de horas extras
¿Eres un buen comunicador?
Reglas de Microsoft Outlook
Ten una BAJA DE ENTRADA LIMPIA... No seas un MAL CORREO ELECTRÓNICO. El servicio al cliente debe ser A+ cuando se trata de programación juvenil. Usamos el término "Respuesta rápida", que básicamente significa: No deje un correo electrónico sin respuesta durante más de 24 horas.
Los correos electrónicos en su bandeja de entrada deberían actuar como otra lista de tareas pendientes. Si hay correos electrónicos en tu bandeja de entrada que ya respondiste y atendiste, no deben estar en tu bandeja de entrada (deben archivarse o eliminarse)
El cliente (padres, directores, representantes de la PTA, directores, etc.)
Muestre respeto: cada cliente es su cliente más importante
Personalice: ¡conozca a su cliente! Búscalos en el sistema.
Preste atención: evalúe cómo los clientes quieren ser atendidos y ajústese
Demuestre que le importa: presente una actitud positiva y de apoyo.
Advocate: manténgase del lado de su cliente
Recommended communication:
Welcome Emails
Pushing programs back
After the first programming class, you must reach out to your partner/coordinator to see how the class went.
Mid-Way point of the class, you must reach out to see how things are going.
If you or anyone ever evaluates a program, you must let your coordinator know how things went.
If we have cancelled a class because of low enrollment (or any other reason), the refund must be processed IMMEDIATELY.
When we refund someone, let them know it has been processed.
When we ship flyers to a school, let your contact know when they are expected to be delivered.
When a complaint is filed (emailed or called) – Call the family back ASAP even if you don’t know what happen. Let them know we are aware and working on it.
Pick-up the PHONE – Too much are we relying on emails
Build Trust – Showing your face at programs and delivering great service
Treat your best costumers better – Take care of who takes care of us. Send our best instructors to our best schools.
Show your appreciation – Emphasize that our coordinator’s children go free to our programs and follow-up with the free camp cards we send out.
Hand written Thank You notes – sometimes it’s the little things that matter.