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Welcome OTA Phoenix (The Valley)

Reston VA:

We are excited to introduce Michael O'Brien to the Overtime Athletics Family. Born and raised in the suburbs of Michigan, Michael's love for sports began at a young age and continues to be a defining aspect of his life.

At the age of 10, Michael showcased his exceptional talent by winning a State Championship in Little League baseball. This early success ignited his passion for athletics, and he has carried that flame ever since. Whether he's playing on a community team or engaging in backyard games, sports have always played a major role in Michael's life.

Now, as a devoted single father of two boys, Luke (10 years old) and Conor (8 years old), Michael understands the significance of instilling a love for physical activity and staying active in his children's lives. With the prevalence of video games and screens in today's society, he recognizes the importance of fostering a healthy and active lifestyle for the younger generation.

In 2008, Michael first moved to Arizona to serve at Luke Air Force Base as an Avionics Technician with the United States Air Force. After honorably completing his enlistment, he moved back to Arizona in 2015, drawn by the allure of the beautiful weather and a desire to provide his children with a nurturing environment.

Today, Michael brings his unwavering dedication and love for sports to Overtime Athletics. As a valued member of our community, he strives to inspire children and parents alike to embrace an active lifestyle, reconnect with the joy of physical play, and foster lasting memories through sports.

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