Awareness Marketing
The Awareness Marketing are things we believe you should always be thinking about when running your business.
How to inf0rm/take care of customers?
How do you get new customers?
OTA Online Newsletters

Staying relevant in the community of customers is what advertising and marketing are all about. Online Newsletters are a credible way of communicating with your network of partners and participants in order to:
✅ Provide informative content regarding topics that OTA and it’s network both care about
✅ Announce Programming
✅ Promote proud aspects of OTA
Criteria for successful online newsletters include proofread, visual appeal, technologically sound, the order of topics, and concise.
OTA Stickers/Magnets/Bracelets/Medals

Spreading the brand takes on many shapes, forms, and sizes. Implementing successful programming and developing a reputation for great service is obviously the foundation for building a great brand, but considering the “look” and “feel” of each Overtime Athletics Territory should demand some consideration. Bracelets, magnets, stickers, and medals are low cost, easy methods for promoting the brand. Distributing these promo items to both staff and program participants are effective ways of spreading the “OTA word”. These can be used for:
✅ Handouts to program participants
✅ Thank you’s to staff and families
✅ Requests to individuals in the network to display OTA as a favor
OTA Postcards

Postcards are a valuable tool in advertising and marketing efforts for a couple of reasons:
✅ Cost effective (to create and print)
✅ Space effective (easier to handout)
✅ Graphically easier to change for different program offerings
✅ More effective way to announce a price “special” or “steal deal” promotion
Postcards can be distributed the same ways flyers can be, but have the added bonus of being utilized as direct mail. Postcard postage is cheaper than a regular letter.
OTA Direct Mail

Communicating directly with potential or returning customers is an important strategy to figure out. Direct Mail is a PROVEN tactic in advertising programs directly. The cost of printing and postage are a factor in determining whether or not to send literature home. Professionally designing them is a must, and deciding whether or not to acquire community mailing addresses should be considered as well. The cost of acquiring mailing addresses is based on volume and minimum amounts are standard. Mailing addresses might also be acquired by:
✅ Requesting mailing address database from partnering organization
✅ Previous customer data
School Opportunities
Always exhaustively investigate the potential opportunities to get the word out about Overtime Athletics Programs to the members of the communities you have partnered with.
✅ Back to School Night
✅ School Fair
✅ Lunch and Recess Demonstration ➢ Open House
✅ PTA/PTO Meeting
✅ School Student Assembly
The type of event will determine the kind of preparation necessary to be ready to market Overtime Athletics. Considering whether the event is professional (PTA meeting) or athletic (fair, field day, demonstration) is the first step in knowing how to prepare. Also whether the opportunity includes adults or adults and kids. Preparing includes:
✅ Attire (director? staff?)
✅ Marketing Materials (brochures, flyers, post card, etc..)
✅ Signage and Table or Booth Display (table cloth, banner, etc..)
✅ Sports Equipment, Registration Forms, Prizes
✅ Supplies (pens, handouts (t-shirts/water bottles), sign up sheet)
✅ Technology (laptop, IPad)
✅ Presentation (slide show, video, etc..)
Having a plan for the marketing opportunity is essential in putting the brand’s best foot forward. Just as the preparation is dictated by the type of event, so is the plan:
✅ Know environment and parameters for “set up”
✅ Practice meeting presentation
✅ Create lesson plan (agenda) for program demonstration
✅ Meet with any employees participating before hand
✅ Understand any safety factors
✅ If athletic setting, clear rules and guidelines for participation
Sample 'Booth' or 'Welcome Station'

'The Database'
It is essential to collect contact information for future marketing purposes. This is conveniently done with online registration, but a more difficult effort when OTA does not handle program registration. Collected information for the database should include:
✅ Student and Parent Names
✅ Attending School
✅ Attending Program or Camp
✅ Parent Mailing Address
✅ Parent Email Address
✅ Child Birthday
Next Level
Database information can be used for other unique marketing efforts besides direct mail and email contact.
✅ “ Text Marketing” is the act of sending out advertising messages to smart phones via text messages.
✅ “Robocall” is a phone call that uses a computerized auto dialer to deliver a pre-recorded message.
Both of these methods are facilitated by using companies that specialize in this technology. Considering cost, timing, and wording/language are very important factors to consider when utilizing these marketing techniques.
Group Discount Companies
Explore partnerships with Group Discount Companies (Examples):
✅ Groupon
✅ Living Social
✅ DealFinder
✅ CertifiKid
✅ Macaroni Kid
Be aware of the percentage that this company will take per registration but could be a good way to boost enrollment for a NEW location.
Being Present
Find ways to become a part of the school community. It’s important to make the OTA Brand a part of school life. In order to achieve this you need to develop relationships with school principals, school administration, and school PTA Coordinators, all of whom can grant permission for the following:
✅ Yard Signs in Front of School
✅ Banners Outside School Entrance
✅ Posters in School Hallway
✅ Table Display
✅ Posting on School Website and Facebook Page
Every school has events for their families whether they are Parent Teacher Eventsor School Events. Be present at these:
✅ Back to School Night
✅ Parent Teacher Conferences
✅ Ice Cream Social
✅ Movie Night
✅ Science Fair
✅ Band performances
✅ Elementary vs Elementary Sporting Events
✅ Carnival Nights
Drop some flyers on Cars during these events if you are unable to get inside.
✅ Find ways to become a part of the neighborhood community. Volunteering and coaching in youth organizations is a great way to achieve this.
✅ Sponsoring activities, donating time and energy for community events is a proven way to become a trusted member of the community.
✅ Be looking for “hot spots” and “highlight events”
✅ The Bulletin Board Plan (posting announcements at neighborhood “hot
✅ Faith Based Organizations near schools (contain a concentration of potential customers and regularly hold “highlight events” for communities)
The Bulletin Board Plan
The act of getting marketing materials posted:
What are “hot spots”?
✅ Grocery Stores
✅ Coffee Shops
✅ Juice Bars
✅ Fitness Centers
✅ Parks and Rec Departments ➢ Community Centers
✅ Local Libraries
The Highlight Event Plan
The act of participating in community events:
What are “highlight events”?
✅ Community Programs
✅ Holiday Events
✅ School Fairs
✅ Town Carnivals
✅ Races Events
✅ Parades
✅ Festivals
✅ Sporting Events
Connecting With Connectors
✅ Finding the “network” of influencers in each community we offer our service in is essential to our brand flourishing.
✅ Connecting with individuals that can bring our service into organizations and also assist us in reaching potential customers will aid in the growth of the program.
This network includes:
✅ School Personnel
✅ School Volunteers (PTA Members – Presidents, After School Coordinators)
✅ RecLeagueCommissionersandYouthCoaches
✅ Family and Community Bloggers
✅ Leaders of Moms and Dads Group
Outside The Box Marketing
✅ PTA Conferences
✅ Editorial Submissions
✅ Rec League Handouts
✅ OTA Ambassador Program (incentivize someone to promote program)
✅ Neighborhood Mailbox Flyers
✅ Windshield Postcards
✅ School District Superintendent
✅ Endorser (pro athlete)
✅ Company Sponsorship
✅ Portion of Proceeds Goes to Community Cause
✅ Moms and Dads Groups
✅ Sponsor Event (race, sporting event)
Holiday Marketing
The holidays are a great time to connect with partners and customers. These opportunities during the year have become an expected time to acknowledge relationships and to express gratitude for your customers.

The customer loves to walk away with something from the program they have participated in. The value of their experience is instantly increased. Options to consider include:
✅ Stickers
✅ Wristbands
✅ Medals
✅ Water Bottles
✅ Hats
✅ T-shirts
✅ Parent Participation Handout
✅ First Day Take-Home Packet
✅ Message/Cause Handouts
✅ Photo Handout (access via website)
OTA Marketing Sample Plans
Developing advertising and marketing strategies for specific programming should be an exercise that takes place each session for each program. The following considerations should be made for After School Programming, Summer Camps, Birthday Parties, and Special Events:
✅ On-Site Marketing (brochures, posters, banners, bulletin board)
✅ On-LineMarketing(websites,facebookpages,, ads)
✅ Area Marketing (yard signs, bulletin boards, flyers)
✅ Direct Mail Marketing (mailers, letters, postcards)
✅ Print Marketing (newspapers, magazines,)
✅ Email Marketing (targeted returning customer emails, database blasts)
✅ Promotional Marketing (steal deals, refer a friend, first time participants)
OTA Marketing
Month to Month Strategy
✅ PTA/SchoolDirectMailPiece(Postcard)
✅ PTA/School Email Blast
✅ Camp customers email blast (thank you for a great summer)
✅ Put together a list of enrollment boosting ideas for PDs (school signs, banners, hallway posters, etc..)
✅ Program email marketing
✅ Facebook (focus on connecting with schools, PTAs, etc..)
✅ Online newsletter (Back to School) to everyone in database
✅ Get info about Back to School Nights/possible presence
✅ Obtain info on sponsorship opportunities at each partner school (races, newsletters, etc. )
✅ Program email marketing
✅ Decide on handout strategy for after school programs
✅ Facebook posts (focus on upcoming programs)
✅ Postcard handout in all classes (general info about OTA/Bday parties/Camps)
✅ Create email blast for PTA reps about winter camp opportunities
✅ Birthday Party email blast
✅ Facebook posts (focus on photos/details from programs)
✅ Look for info on national and local P TA conferences and marketing opportunities with them
✅ Create email blast for PTA reps about signing up winter programs
✅ Facebook posts
✅ High level marketing projects (letter to Michelle Obama or other key influencers in the field)
✅ Email blast to customers (thanks for a great fall, happy holidays)
✅ Winter newsletter
✅ Holiday staff gifts
✅ Facebook posts (focus on any promos for winter break camps)
✅ Program email marketing for winter
✅ Create email blast for all summer potential partners
✅ Start researching all advertising options for summer
✅ Facebook posts (winter programs starting soon, spring break camps)
✅ Program email marketing for winter
✅ Program email marketing for winter/spring
✅ Email blast to customers and PTAs to “like” us on facebook
✅ Facebook posts (some kind of giveaway, spring break camps)
✅ Birthday Party email blast
✅ Postcard handout in all classes (general info about OTA)
✅ Decide on any summer promos (and advertise these via facebook and email blast)
✅ Program email marketing for spring
✅ Spring Break camps email marketing
✅ Direct Mail piece to all potential schools for spring session
✅ High Level Marketing projects (try to get press in local periodicals)
✅ Email blast to PTAs about end of year OTA opportunities (field day, etc.)
✅ Letters to school counselors about summer camps in the area
✅ Camps direct mail piece to all customers in database
✅ Newsletter
✅ Community flyer postings for Birthday Parties
✅ Summerbanners/postcards/signs
✅ Help PDs make decisions about summer marketing opportunities
✅ Email blast to everyone about summer camps
✅ Community flyer postings for summer camps (coffee shops, grocery stores)
✅ Postcard handout in all classes (about summer camps)
✅ Thank you letter to principals
✅ Thank you basket to school secretaries?
✅ Thank you letter to PTAs (include summer camp coupon?)
✅ Email blast to customers ($10 off of a summer camp as a thank you for a great year?)
✅ Promote camps through local sports leagues/coaches
✅ Work on SEO for OTA summer camps (online google searches, etc.)
✅ Email blast to all of last year’s summer participants
✅ Direct mail piece to principals (potential schools)
✅ PTA coordinator online newsletter
✅ High level marketing project (make list of all festivals, events, races in each town that we could have a booth at to promote OTA in general)