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OTA Spotlight

Whenever our conversations with Franchisees trend with a specific topic coming up again and again, we take that as a cue to put a “spotlight” on that subject and communicate to our Network at large the information we believe is important to share, and necessary to answer the questions that come our way. 

OTA Best Practices:

“Best Practices” are defined as professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective.  Franchise Systems are based on Best Practices that zero in on repeatable models.  Adhering to Best Practices is vital to a Franchisees success.  As a business owner and operator, it’s important to take a “look in the mirror” and evaluate where you stand.  This exercise forces Franchisees to consider their effectiveness at operating the business and program

OTA Best Practices 


Price Points:

Every business selling a product or service needs to find the “sweet spot” for pricing what they are selling.  There are a number of variables that should be considered when determining the fee your participating families will pay for OTA’s different services.  Pricing review and evaluation is also an exercise business owners should do regularly.  Staying in line with the costs and expenses of running the business is a responsibility all franchise owners should avoid overlooking. 

Price Point


Pay Scale and Payroll:

The responsibility of a company managing the payroll process properly is essential to the two-way relationship of Employer and Employee.  There may be no other aspect of the business that should be taken more seriously or executed more perfectly than processing payroll. Making sure your pay rates continue to attract talent – making sure your payroll process is efficient, accurate, and smooth – and making sure your budget reflects payroll considerations as it relates to what you are charging your customers – are all vital steps to operating a successful business.    

  1.  Spotlight – Pay Scale and Payroll

  2. OTA Franchise Network Payrate Info

  3. State Minimum Wage Rates 2024


Service Priority:

There is no doubt that for Overtime Athletics the most important aspect of operating the business is RUNNING GREAT PROGRAMS.  So simple, but so often not at the top of the priority list.  That is a mistake.  It all starts with running great classes and achieving “program satisfaction” amongst your customers.

“Service is King” Presentation 

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