OTA Awarded 'Most Outstanding Youth Active Lifestyle Franchise' by Corp Today Magazine

Overtime Athletics Franchise LLC has been selected by Corp Today as the Most Outstanding Youth Active Lifestyle Franchise. Corp Today is one the Best Business Magazines in the world for enterprises that focuses distinctively on emerging as well as leading fastest growing companies, their confrontational style of doing business and way of delivering effective and collaborative solutions to strengthen market share.
Overtime Athletics will be featured in their magazine: https://corp-today.com/
Corporate Today looks to recognize, acknowledge and reward people and organizations that have achieved the greatest of successes. Most importantly this award demonstrates how they have become a leader in their market.
Overtime Athletics is the leading provider of youth athletic activities, specializing in After School Programs, Summer Camps, Birthday Parties, Leagues, and Clinics. OTA's game-plan is designed to motivate young people to embrace a healthy lifestyle at an early age while learning the rewards of teamwork and the fundamentals of the game. Overtime Athletics attention to details and enthusiasm for combining athletic games, contests, and instruction creates a positive environment for young participants to succeed.
OTA's philosophy of PARTICIPATION and FUN guide us in our quest to show kids the excitement and value of playing sports. Preparation, organization, discipline, and teamwork guarantees participants enjoyment and improvement in all aspects of the games. #HIGHFIVES #PLAY