Welcome OTA Jacksonville/Wilmington NC

Reston VA: Kicking off 2022 STRONG we are excited to welcome Eric Marley to the OTA Family. Eric was awarded the North Carolina Coast (Jacksonville & Wilmington NC) Franchise.
Eric is a graduate of UNC Wilmington with a Degree in Park & Recreation Management. For the past 12 years he has been in business management in high volume retail.
Eric has been involved in athletics either playing or coaching for 30+ years. He played baseball in the National Amateur Baseball Association in Charlotte, NC and in the Carolina Men's Baseball League in Wilmington, NC as player/coach. He is very passionate about athletics, especially youth athletics, and believes sports can teach many lessons that can translate to daily life.
Currently Eric is coaching Henry (his oldest son's) baseball team for Onslow Parks and Rec. He has 4 children: Henry 6, Max 4, Oliver 2, and Lucy 4 months.
Eric has started OTA University and will be looking to have programs in the Jacksonville/Wilmington area Spring/Summer 2022.